Monday 21 June 2010

Chief Bottle Washer

le serpent

La Chatte wishes to apologise to her loyal followers this week. She has had less time than she would wish to recount the exciting happenings at Chateau Coldspot because she has been unable to locate either the cook, the chambermaid, or the gardener despite extensive searching of the grounds. Consequently, she has been obliged to attend to a mountain of tasks. When not mowing the grass she may be found picking raspberries, making (delicious) jam or cleaning gites in between jolly families of Happy Holidaymakers.
She also has her fourth appointment at le Pole Emploi scheduled for tomorrow.
Le Comet, au contraire, hasn't been seen since last Tuesday when he disappeared into the latest (and last) gite saying he had a few things to finish before the guests arrived. Princess 2 has been trying to tempt him out with dishes of risotto and plates of organic lemon cake, but no luck so far.
Princess 1 is in the middle of her Baccalaureate exams this week and rarely descends from her boudoir except to go to the Lycee. So far she thinks she has probably done quite well in English.
Princess 2 is practising the piano for Friday's Music Gala in local Charbonville, which le Comet claims he will be unable to attend for the fourth year in a row, as he has far too much to do. La Chatte has promised to buy him the DVD for Christmas.
She also has a splendid picture of a snake to post up when she gets the time. It was about 70cm long and very beautifully marked. It was also alive, which made it more interesting than the viper she found some years ago back in dear old Angleterre and subsequently tried to sell at a car boot sale for £1.
In fact, no one bought it, so she let Prince Arsenal take it to school to show his teachers - who weren't as interested as she had anticipated...

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